To fight all this we only have one asset: you.
This one asset can make all the difference. There are way more of us than there are of them. If we all stand up, they lose. If we sit around waiting for others to do everything for us like usual, we lose. It's that simple. El pueblo unido jamás será vencido
Our stategy for this cycle is equally simple. Until Friday, October 10 (the registration deadline) we register new voters. Lots of them. Everyone we can. After that, we get registered voters to vote. If we do both well enough, we can win. Yes, even here in Oklahoma.
If you have time, please contact the campaign at (918)497-6292 or stop by the office at 3930 East 31 Street during business hours to ask about helping out with voter registration. Our calendar lists the big official pushes, but there are lots of other ways to help register voters. Even if you don't have the time, make sure your friends and relatives are properly registered. Also make sure they know about this website. Getting others to help is as good as helping yourself. Everyone should strive to do both.
For those with specialized skills and gifts or extra fee time there are some other needs the campaign has right now. Namely:
- Volunteer staff for the office. Hours are Monday through Friday from 9 to 5. Saturday 9 to noon.
- Write letter to the editors of the Tulsa World and other papers.
- Help manage the newsletter.
- Update Demkookie and Tulsa Dem Newsletter.
- Apply to be Tulsa County precinct officers.
- Make color copies.
- Make black and white copies of materials.
- A CPA or accountant to track receipts/expenditures.
- Order, sell and distribute T-shirts.
- A graphic artist.
- Several more trucks with drivers are needed to pick up and deliver Obama stuff.
It is said that evil triumphs when good men do nothing. It is time for the good women and men of Oklahoma to stand up and do something. Yes, Oklahoma Can! Si Se Puede Oklahoma!