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Friday, September 19, 2008

Campaign News

There's a lot of news to get through today.

Office Moving

The first bit of news is that our office is moving. The new address is 3930 East 31st St. This is also the Tulsa Democratic Headquarters, so you can pick up campaign signs and materials for you other favorite democratic candidates when you stop by. Please do stop by, pick up your swag, and volunteer.

Registration Status

Greg turned in a batch of over 200 voter registrations to the county election board office this week. Congratulations to everyone who helped gather those registrations. But we need more, way more.

Now that we have a bit more experience, we can analyze which locations work well and which don't. Half of those registrations were gathered at a single drive at Wal-Mart last weekend. Half of the remainder were gathered at another drive at the east Tulsa flea market. We sent a lot more people to the various football games last Friday, and didn't gather more than 20 or so. So we are going to be dropping the football game drives and refocusing our efforts to locations like the area Wal-Marts and flea/farmers markets. I'll get the calendar updated when I can, but for now know that the football game drives are not happening. If you are going to one anyway and want to take some forms, by all means do so though.

Registration Opportunities

If you want to do something more that just simply voting to help Obama get elected (and every other Democrat in the area), this is your big chance. This weekend we have lots of registration drives going on. Just pick one or two from the list below that fit your schedule, and call the coordinators. We have plenty of opportunities, so don't just sit back an let someone else do it. Come on out and help!

If you want to help with the flea market drive this Saturday morning, contact Mary-Jo at 269-4400. She is also coordinating drives at the Quick Trip Anniversary Festival this Saturday from 5 to 7 PM.

We will also be doing a drive at the TU tailgate party this Saturday from Noon to 5PM at the stip mall on 11th street across from the stadium. Again, contact Mary-Jo at 269-4400 if you'd like to help.

Louis King will will be running a drive outside the BOK center during the Lil' Wayne concert this Saturday from 6-7:30 PM. You can contact him at 437-0310 to help.

Greg will be leading a drive at the Brookside Artzz this Saturday (tomorrow) from 11 to 5. He will also be coordinating a drive at the Jazz Hall of Fame during the concert this Sunday. If you like to listen to some good Jazz while you help register voters, contact him at

Finally Blanca is running a drive at the downtown Hispanic Festival this weekend. It is both Saturday and Sunday from 1-10PM. The hispanic community in Tulsa has been growing much more quickly in the last few years than I think most Tulsans realise. Nothing less than the party's future hangs on how well we reach out to this community. Blanca has been working hard to register their voters for the last two years, so she's one of my personal heroes. If you have any free time at all to donate this weekend call her at 231-3340.

Debate Watch Parties

The campaign will be hosting watch parties for the debates. More on this in a later post, but for now mark you calendars.