Inaguration Streaming Live

Monday, September 22, 2008


Before I say anything, I'd like to thank everyone who came out to help register voters at all the events this weekend. I'll try to get some kind of numbers to let you know how we did overall posted here tomorrow.

Most of you probably realise that the week after the RNC Convention was a bad week for Obama. All the talk was about Palin and personalities, her family's choices, field-dressing mooses, etc. None of those are really core message for the Democrats. McCain's numbers shot up and passed Obama's.

Then last week reality poked its nose back in the campaign, in the form of the banking crisis. Its funny what putting the focus on a real problem facing this country can do. I wanted to take this time to show everyone the current numbers, in case you got dejected a week ago and quit looking at the polls.

I'll add the pretty graphics when I can figure out how to do it (they are typically HTML scripts, not nice little pictures), but in the meantime if you check the DailyKos tracking poll or the Gallup Daily Election tracking poll you will see the same thing: McCain's numbers dropped like a rock at the start of last week, while Obama's went up to near 50%. The polls currently show Obama at %49 and McCain at %43 and %45 respectively.

The message here is pretty clear. When the discussion is about the real problems this country faces after 8 (or 30 depending on how you look at it) years of republican rule, we win. When its about personalities and moose-meat, we loose. Keep this in mind when you are talking to your friends and neighbors.