Inaguration Streaming Live

Monday, October 27, 2008

Obama's Closing Argument

Delivered Today in Canton, OH.

Apply Today

You only have until Wednesday to apply for an absentee ballot. The form can be downloaded from the Oklahoma State Election Board's website. Fill it out and fax it in to your county Election Board office (for Tulsa County: 596-4536).

Lines are expected to be extremely long this year. This means voting absentee is your easiest way to amplify your vote. Not only does it ensure that you will have the time to vote, but it makes the line at your polling place a smidgen shorter, which may make the difference in someone else having a chance to vote.

Myself and Mrs. Skinner faxed in our applications on Thursday and Friday respectively. We both received our ballots on Saturday. Another nice benefit of voting this way is that we get a chance to do research on the little-publicized down-ticket items on the ballot (such as judges and state questions) from the comfort of our own home, rather than in a polling place full of people with impatient multitudes waiting on us to get done.

One thing I should warn you about is that when you get your ballots mailed to you you will need a couple of things to complete them: A number 2 pencil (just like being back in school) and a Notary Public. The pencil shouldn't be tough for anyone. Notary publics can be found at most banks and car dealerships. If you work at an office, there is probably one there too. Ask your head secretary. By law, Notaries cannot charge you anything for notarizing a ballot.