Inaguration Streaming Live

Thursday, September 25, 2008


By now you have probably already heard that McCain is trying to chicken out of the debates. It appears he wants us to believe that the looming financial crisis is so important that he, as a senator, can't spare time for such mundane trivia as helping the people of this country decide who's going to lead it five short weeks from now.

This is the same "senator" who hasn't shown up for a vote since April. Senators Obama and Clinton managed to take time out of their busy campaign schedules to make important votes during that time. Even Ted Kennedy, undergoing treatment for malignant brain cancer, has found some votes so important that he had himself helped into the chamber to vote a time or two. But not John McCain.

So its pretty clear that it's not his pressing senatorial duties that are worrying McCain. Likewise, I doubt his primary concern in wanting to cancel the vice-presidential debate is his running mate's gubernatorial duties in her small (and financially flush) state. It's pretty obvious that he's simply afraid of the debates.

Obama could have agreed to this. After all, he's ahead right now, so one could argue that the debates can only hurt him. However, his response is that at this moment, the debates are more important than ever. Notice how he's already fighting for you; in this case for your ability to make an informed decision on November 4.

Obama's having none of it, so as of this writing the debates are still on. This means that the watch party tomorrow night is also still on. Join us at the Circle Cinema an hour before the debate starts.

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