Inaguration Streaming Live

Thursday, October 9, 2008

One Day Left

There is only today and tomorrow left to register new voters for the most important election in our lifetimes.

If you'd like to get out and help, we have the following opportunities here in Tulsa tonight:

Pick up voter registration forms at the Tulsa Democratic Headquarters on 31st between Harvard and Yale (or print them out yourself from here) and head to the events.

I'd also encourage you to send an email to your friends and acquaintances. Include a link to this blog:, the state website to check on your voter registration:, and the state website for the voter registration application:

Applications can be mailed in, but must be postmarked no later than tomorrow to make the deadline. If you'd prefer to hand-carry it to your county election office you can. I understand that the Tulsa County election board will stay open until midnight tomorrow to accommodate last minute filers. If democratic HQ is more convenient for you, drop them by there during office hours today or tomorrow.

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